On Friday night I took my younger brother, Matthew, to a triple "A" game here in Markdale. I also brought my camera with me and shot a couple pictures. My ISO settings are playing games with me while shooting so some of the pictures are a little grainy. Enjoy.
A couple of weeks ago my good friend, Adam, who is a brick layer, asked me to help him finish a stone job around a boat house he had started a month ago in the Kawartha Lakes region. On Tuesday morning we packed up and heading down to Toronto over to Oshawa and up to the Lakes. While only seeing about 14 cops on the way and one O.P.P. mobile unit in the ditch on a completely dry road. The job took us about 2 days to wrap up, with Adam still needing to come back in the spring and fill the cracks with mortar.
If anyone is looking for any brick or stone work done my friend is a professional mason with over 5 years of experience in the trade. If interested contact me at, joshmacdonaldphotography@hotmail.com
Lately between my closer friends we've been riding Blue Mountain's Terrain Park a lot and JP Walker's famous line.. get some.. has been thrown out there a fair bit. I also noticed that JJ Thomas just started up his own clothing brand called.. yea nice.. which inspired me to maybe start making some "get some" logos. Here are a couple below that I made the other night, middle one is miami vice inspired and last one is a little offensive so your warned. Let me know what you think on the "idea" and what you think of the logos? good or bad?
So I know I haven't updated this in close to a year, been busy all summer with work and partying. Finally getting back to shooting almost daily again, so I thought I'd start blogging a bit more on here instead of just posting on the "book" all the time.
A good friend of mine, Shane, gave me a text Sunday afternoon saying that there was some 15 under triple "A" games going on in my hometown of Markdale. So I had a quick shower and through all my camera gear together and went down to the local arena. The lighting is not the best there so I had to bump my ISO up a bit, still left my pictures kind of grainy but I haven't shot hockey since last winter so I was pleased with my results. Below are a couple shots from the Grey Highland vs. Hamilton game.
Josh Macdonald is a 21 year-old multimedia student based in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. I shoot Photography and Videography as a professional and a hobby. Other interests include, motion graphics, 3D animation, web design, and computer generated graphics.
The content and views expressed in this blog are the views of Josh Macdonald and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else.