Tuesday, November 8, 2011

baseball diamond

Last Sunday John, Adam, Rob, and I went to a local arena grabbed some snow and jibbed the baseball diamond fence. It was the first session of the year for the guys, everyone getting use to new equipment and the banshee bungee. Ended up getting more bails then lands but that's usually how it goes start of the season. John's very last run he stomped and I mean stomped a FS 50-50 FS 360 out. Here's a sneak peak picture, will have to wait for the video. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

jibfest '11

Attended my first rail jam of the year, at Georgian College in Barrie this past weekend. The SRO (Snow Resort Operations) program put on a great event with help from local resort Horseshoe Valley, donating the set-up for use.

1st - Jeffrey Robinson
2nd - Joel Dalacker
3rd - Daniel Gilbota